Luck of the Irish

Four days was enough to make me fall in love with Ireland. The weather was the beautiful, the pints of Guinness were endless, the food was delicious, the scenery was breathtaking and the people were amazing. The movies and stories don't lie, Ireland encompasses everything fun, exciting and beautiful. The Irish are like my Cuban-Venezuelan … Continue reading Luck of the Irish

Scottish Holiday

The vast valleys encompassed my line of vision as we drove through the country side. The endless fields of green were home to haystacks, windmills, barns, horses, cows and sheep. Just driving through Scotland was an amazing experience itself, despite being completely terrified of my dad driving a manual car on the left side of the rode. … Continue reading Scottish Holiday

The Paradise Town

The vibrant waves crashing against the city walls encompassed my entire line of vision as I stood at the edge of this new, foreign town. Brilliant shades of blue painted the ocean, sky, windmill and rooftops of the small limestone buildings. As we waited under the hot summer sun for my father and uncle to rent … Continue reading The Paradise Town